Browsing Category
Employment Law
45 posts
Amendment of the Infection Protection Act and Bavarian special measures: Obligation to work from home and 3G in the workplace
The Upper House (Bundesrat) has unanimously approved the government’s package of laws amending the Infection Protection Act and…
Back to the office – employer may order return from home office
An employee who has been permitted by his employer to work from his home office during the pandemic…
LAG Baden-Württemberg: Illegal hiring of foreign temporary workers
In a recent judgement, the Baden-Württemberg State Labor Court (LAG) decided that an employment relationship is established between…
Planned tightening of the law on fixed-term contracts – Federal Labour Minister Hubertus Heil wants to further restrict the limitation of employment contracts
On 14 April 2021, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales –…
LAG Düsseldorf: Prohibition of an operational change by way of interim relief
According to the Düsseldorf Regional Labor Court (Landesarbeitsgericht – LAG) (decision dated January 6, 2021 – 4 TaBVGa…
ECJ: On-call duty may be working time
On-call time can be working time according to Directive 2003/88/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council…
LAG Berlin-Brandenburg: The Creation of a Solely “Virtual Joint Operation” does not Lead to an Operational Alteration
According to the State Labour Court (LAG) of Berlin-Brandenburg (decision of December 10, 2020 – 26 TaBVGa 1498/20),…
LAG Düsseldorf: Day of travel to a professional training is considered as first working day – fixed-term agreement invalid
An agreement according to which the employee travels to a professional training requested by the employer one day…
BAG: Equal remuneration for same or equal work? – Presumed discrimination on the grounds of gender in the case of higher comparative remuneration
In case a woman’s remuneration is lower than the comparative remuneration of male employees disclosed by the employer…
BAG: Crowdworkers may be regarded as Employees
Not only politics but also the judiciary are currently dealing with modern forms of employment and the ongoing…